Crypto Investment Portfolio Tracker NZ

How to Track your Crypto Investment Portfolio – NZ Crypto Guide (2025)

So, you set up a crypto wallet and you purchased Bitcoin or other crypto - but how can you track the gains and losses in your crypto investment portfolio? Follow our simplified guide to learn how. :)

If you’re reading this guide, you have likely set up a crypto wallet and have acquired Bitcoin or other crypto, and now you’re wondering how to track your gains and losses in NZD.

Due to the volatility of cryptocurrency, crypto investing can be easily likened to a roller coaster ride. To get the most of the ride, you will want to keep your eyes peeled on the various ups and down, allowing you to maximize your gains and make informed decisions. The is the role of a portfolio tracker; an essential tool in the NZ crypto investors toolbox. 

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of tracking your cryptocurrency investments in NZ, using one of two powerful tools – CoinMarketCap App or Easy Crypto NZ’s Tracker.

What is a Crypto Portfolio Tracker?

A crypto portfolio tracker is a tool that provides you with a birds eye view over your crypto holdings, helping you monitor your allocations and NZD value, to help you make more informed investment decisions. These trackers require you to dot in when you purchased your crypto or made a transaction, and the portfolio tracker will take care of calculating your gains and losses for you. Beware however, they can become very, very addictive. 

Portfolio trackers such as Easy Crypto NZ’s or CoinMarketCap’s are both free to use, safe to operate, and have no actual connection to your wallet beyond data points. Your Tracker isn’t where you make transactions; rather it’s an analytical tool to monitor your assets.

You can of course build your own portfolio tracker in Excel or Google Sheets, however unless you’re smart with computers, these custom built options are far less streamlined. 

Portfolio Tracker Features

Total Net Worth Tracker Crypto NZ

Total Net Worth Graph

The combined market value of all your crypto assets over time, measuring the amount of NZD you invested verse it’s current total value, displaying your growth.

Overall Statistics

Including net fiat invested, total returns on fiat, percentage gains and losses, donut charts representing portfolio allocation and other key metrics like daily change. 

List of Assets to track portfolio tracker

List of Assets

A detailed breakdown of how each asset is  performing. Displays invested amounts, current asset values, and potential returns if you decide to sell all units of an asset.

Tax Summary Portfolio Tracker

Tool Box

Additional tools such as tax tracking, historic data, export functionalities. Easy Crypto’s tracker for example provides data on how much tax you owe on returns. 

Setting up your Portfolio Tracker

From my perspective, there’s only really two portfolio trackers to consider. If you happen to be a simple investor, who only uses one platform to trade crypto, like Easy Crypto NZ, I would recommend using their native portfolio tracker which automatically updates the second you make a buy or sell trade on their platform. If you trade on multiple platforms, such as Binance, and you have more data points, you’d want to consider CoinMarketCap

  • CoinMarketCap: Visit and download their mobile app for real-time market data, price tracking, and comprehensive crypto information and live statistics.

  • Easy Crypto’s Portfolio Tracker: Accessible to all Easy Crypto account holders, this tool is designed for New Zealand investors utilizing dollar-cost averaging (DCA) strategy. 

  • Building your own Tracker: Using Sheets or Excel to create your own personal index of crypto holdings. This option is best for computer savvy Kiwis, but is easy to learn. 

    Personally speaking, I have used all of them and prefer CoinMarketCap, finding it easier to update external trades from external platforms. I’ve also dabbled with Google Sheets and Excel custom trackers, that provide more control but are harder to configure/setup. 

Crypto Investment Portfolio Tracker NZ

Easy Crypto NZ's Portfolio Tracker

Easy Crypto’s Portfolio Tracker stands out as a user-friendly and powerful tool designed to provide New Zealand crypto investors with a streamlined experience in managing and monitoring their digital assets. It’s extremely user friendly, free, and is designed for Kiwis.

Whenever you buy or sell on on Easy Crypto NZ, your portfolio statistics are automatically updated, meaning you never have to actually put in any of your own data or do anything beyond just checking your portfolio. It provides all the functionality of any other standard portfolio tracker, with the added feature of a NZ tax obligations tracker, based on your total gains and losses. If you’re brand new to crypto, this is your best option in New Zealand. 

CoinMarketCap portfolio Tracker NZ

CoinMarketCap's Portfolio Tracker

On the other hand, CoinMarketCap is a widely recognized crypto price tracking tool in the crypto space, used by many Kiwis and millions of others across the world. This Tracker provides the same benefits as Easy Crypto’s Tracker, however in this app you have access to many other tools and features of CoinMarketCap. If you are trading crypto on multiple exchanges and want a central reference point for your own tracking, this software is king.

Building your Own on Google Sheets

Another great choice is to simply build your own. You can create a list of your coins, jot in how much you own, and then use a price tracking plugin to generate your total net value.
I found it to be very rewarding learning how to create this myself, and the set up is simple. The downside is that price tracking plugins may not extend to all coins, especially if you are engaging in shitcoin investing, or buying coins that are not yet widely recognized. If this interests you, I recommend just jumping on Sheets, creating a list, creating a total net value sum – and exploring visual metrics such as graphs, pie charts and tax tracking.

Portfolio Diversification & Asset Allocation

Now that you’ve setup your portfolio tracker, you’ll have a clear overview of what you own, what each holding is worth, and the nature of how your portfolio is made up. With this info, you may find yourself interested in diversifying or spreading your capital over other coins. I can’t quite give recommendations on what to do here, but if you’ve got this far, you’re 100% capable of building a sound, diverse, and profitable crypto portfolio to make gains from.

Cryptocurrency Tax NZ

Tax Reporting in New Zealand

In New Zealand, the IRD expect you to pay taxes on your crypto. Your portfolio tracker is a useful tool to gauge how much you owe, but often approaching your accountant is a good idea. Like anything, if you have many trades, that will require more calculations, and if you have less trades, say you’re holding long term in bulk, you will have to calculate much less.

We’d recommend being proactive with your tax obligations to save the hassle later on. If you want to learn more on crypto tax in NZ, feel free to read our dedicated NZ tax guide

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Cryptocurrency NZ Final Verdict

Ultimately, all three options are solid, with Easy Crypto being the best for newbies or those looking to exclusively trade crypto on Easy Crypto NZ. CoinMarketCap is perfectly good as well. The custom route is more personal, however there is a slight learning curve. If you already do your portfolio tracking for other assets on Sheets or Excel, then integrating your crypto portfolio into it would be help calculate your total NZD net worth. 

We hope you enjoyed this guide, and feel free to
contact us if you need any help. You can also get personal 1-on-1 assistance from yours truly through Crypto Consulting NZ. Good luck with your crypto interests, investments and activity. Bring on the 2024 bullrun.

Table of Contents

Disclaimer: All content in this guide is intended for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as financial advice. As an individual, you are entirely responsible for how you conduct your investments and manage your cryptocurrency interests. It is exclusively your own responsibility to perform due diligence and Cryptocurrency NZ recommends taking extreme care and caution with crypto and are not responsible for the outcomes, management, or oversight of your activities.